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Jamie Carroll

Certified Consultant

My Story

Hi Everyone! My name is Jamie, and I became a Scentsy consultant in March 2012. I work full time as a Family Advocate at Pact Head Start, and Scentsy is a little business I have on the side. I really love Scentsy products and I used to buy it all the time.  A friend of mine knew I loved scentsy and thought I would be interested in becoming a consultant. I was a little skeptical at first, but I'm glad I made the decision to join Scentsy!!  I am now a SuperStar Consultant with several consultants on my team. It truly is a great company to work for, and as a consultant I can get new products a month before they are released as well as earn lots of free and half price items to build my inventory! I am always looking for new members to add to my team, so contact me if you would like to learn more about becoming a consultant. <!--endbody-->  

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